A File Storage Service on a Cloud Computing Environment for Digital Libraries


  • Victor Jesus Sosa-Sosa CINVESTAV-Tamaulipas
  • Emigdio M. Hernandez-Ramirez




This paper introduces a file storage service that is implemented on a private/hybrid cloud computing environment. The entire system was implemented using open source software. The characteristic of elasticity is supported by virtualization technologies allowing to increase and to decrease the computing and storage resources based on their demand. An evaluation of performance and resource consumption was made using several levels of data availability and fault tolerance. The set of modules included in this storage environment can be taken as a reference guide for IT staff that wants to have some experience building a modest cloud storage infrastructure.

Author Biography

Victor Jesus Sosa-Sosa, CINVESTAV-Tamaulipas

Professor and Researcher at Information Technology Laboratory at CINVESTAV, Campus Tamaulipas. MEXICO. PhD in Computer Science from Technical Univestity of Catalonia (UPC-Barcelona).


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How to Cite

Sosa-Sosa, V. J., & Hernandez-Ramirez, E. M. (2012). A File Storage Service on a Cloud Computing Environment for Digital Libraries. Information Technology and Libraries, 31(4), 34–45. https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v31i4.1844


