A Note from the Editors


  • Margaret Lombe


We are excited to announce the publication of the first issue of the journal Beyond Borders, advances in Global Welfare. The journal is supported by Boston College School of Social Work in collaboration with the International Social Science Research Group of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU). Our first issue is dedicated to the ever-pressing topic of food security. In keeping with the journal’s global orientation and vision of promoting a stronger evidence base to inform responsive practice and policies decisions, the current issue highlights the work of leading scholars, policy makers, and practitioners involved in the research on the critical topic of food security/insecurity globally. Manuscripts included this issue cover a broad range of topics including factors, associated with Dietary Intake among Adults in Poverty; Household Food Insecurity; Femininity and Feeding the Family in India; the Interaction between Food Safety and Democracy as well as examination of the Benefits of Fish Farming to Rural Communities. The issue also highlights the work carried out by two community-based agencies: Catholic Charities (based in the USA) and SELFINA (based in sub-Saharan Africa).




How to Cite

Lombe, M. (2020). A Note from the Editors. Beyond Borders: Advances in Global Welfare, 1(1). Retrieved from https://ejournals.bu.edu/index.php/bbagw/article/view/13043



Editor's Note