Retirement Income Gap: A Larger Economic Gender Gap?
Although the gender wage gap has been a major topic of discussion in public policy reforms, there appears to be a larger economic impact that has not been addressed: the expansive retirement income gap. Just as the gender wage gap poses a threat to a female worker’s overall income, the resulting retirement gap further exacerbates the disparity in earnings. In this paper, I present the economic case of the effects of the gender wage gap and wealth gap in the United States on retirement income, before proceeding to examine the opposing viewpoints for conciliation. In organizing this topic, I have three main objectives: First, to present an in-depth analysis on the broader social and economic costs of the wage gap, including how it affects retirement income. Second, to analyze the retirement income gap, including reasons behind the current gender disparities in retirement security and strategies for intervention. Third, to present a recommendation for policy reform in order to mitigate future retirement income inequalities.
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