What Is the Role of Study Abroad in Advancing Antiracism in International Education?


  • Motun Bolumole Boston College
  • Nicole Barone baronena@bc.edu


United States, international education, study abroad, institutional racism, diversity, inclusion, race and equity


International education professionals have been persistent about the need to diversify and create equitable and inclusive US study abroad programs. However, issues of race and racism continue to permeate the experiences of students of color who study abroad. We argue that as a field, it may be time for study abroad to move beyond the broad rhetoric of diversity and inclusion and begin to embody and lead an antiracist agenda in international education.

Author Biographies

Motun Bolumole, Boston College

Motun Bolumole is a 2020 graduate of Boston College’s Master degree in International Higher Education. E-mail: bolumole@bc.edu. 

Nicole Barone, baronena@bc.edu

Nicole Barone is a doctoral candidate of higher education at Boston College, US. E-mail: baronena@bc.edu.




How to Cite

Bolumole, M., & Barone, N. (2020). What Is the Role of Study Abroad in Advancing Antiracism in International Education?. International Higher Education, (104), 4–6. Retrieved from https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/ihe/article/view/14333


