Digitization of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Russia





digital collections, archives, museums, libraries, digitization


This paper discusses the digitization of cultural heritage in Russian libraries, archives, and museums. In order to achieve the research goals, both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies were adopted to analyze the current status of legislative principles related to digitization through the literature review and the circumstance of the latest projects related to digitization through the literature and website review. The results showed that these institutions seem quite successful where they provide a wide range of services for the users to access the digital collections. However, the main constraints on digitization within libraries, archives, and museums in Russia are connected with the scale of the work, dispersal of rare books throughout the country, and low level of document usage.


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How to Cite

Kim, H., & Maltceva, N. (2022). Digitization of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Russia. Information Technology and Libraries, 41(4). https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v41i4.13783


