A Candid Look at Collected Works: Challenges of Clustering Aggregates in GLIMIR and FRBR


  • Gail Thornburg OCLC




Creating descriptions of collected works in ways consistent with clear and precise retrieval has long challenged information professionals.  This paper describes problems of creating record clusters for collected works, and distinguishing them from single works:  design pitfalls, successes, failures, and future research.

Author Biography

Gail Thornburg, OCLC

Gail Thornburg, Ph.D.,  (thornbug@oclc.org ) has taught at the University of Maryland and elsewhere, and is now a Consulting Software Engineer and researcher at OCLC.


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How to Cite

Thornburg, G. (2014). A Candid Look at Collected Works: Challenges of Clustering Aggregates in GLIMIR and FRBR. Information Technology and Libraries, 33(3), 53–64. https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v33i3.5377


