The Role of Charism and Hospitality in the Academy


  • Aurelie A. Hagstrom


Author Biography

Aurelie A. Hagstrom

Aurelie A. Hagstrom is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Theology at
Providence College. Dr. Hagstrom’s work in ecclesiology focuses on the vocation, mission, and spirituality
of the laity according to the Second Vatican Council. She is interested in how the laity are
the Church in the heart of the world and how they bring the world into the heart of the Church.
Recent publications include: The Emerging Laity: Vocation, Mission, and Spirituality (Paulist
Press, 2010); as well as articles in Ministry & Liturgy, Journal of Catholic Higher Education, and
Assembly: A Journal of Liturgical Theology.




How to Cite

Hagstrom, A. A. (2013). The Role of Charism and Hospitality in the Academy. Integritas: Advancing the Mission of Catholic Higher Education, 1(1), 1.