Confession in the Movies: The Transmission of Sacramental Tradition Through Film


  • Eileen M. Condon University of Toledo


Not unlike confessional role-playing among seminarians or pre-sacramental practice sessions between parents and children, cinematic confession scenes re-present Penance as a traditional performance, making a teachable cultural moment out of a rite which, when performed in solemnity, cannot be observed or examined directly by a third party. For this reason, movies can be a useful tool for introducing Catholic penitential belief and practice to students in the secular education classrooms, as the author discovered in working with Catholic and non-Catholic students at the University of Toledo. Confession scenes from six films can be related to themes in medieval exempla, church teachings, and folklore related to the Sacrament of Penance.




How to Cite

Condon, E. M. (2000). Confession in the Movies: The Transmission of Sacramental Tradition Through Film. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 4(1). Retrieved from



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