Moral, Legal, and Functional Dimensions of Inclusive Service Delivery in Catholic Schools


  • Martin Scanlan Marquette University, Wisconsin


Catholic school educators are morally compelled by Catholic social teaching to foster inclusive service delivery for students who have traditionally been marginalized in schools, including students in poverty, students of color, English language learners, and students with special needs. This article applies this moral context to analyze the legal obligations of Catholic schools under Section 504 to serve students with special needs. It argues that as Catholic schools follow Catholic social teaching by developing inclusive service delivery to meet students’ special needs, their legal obligations grow. The article concludes by describing the learning consultant model, a system of service delivery that balances these moral and legal duties.




How to Cite

Scanlan, M. (2009). Moral, Legal, and Functional Dimensions of Inclusive Service Delivery in Catholic Schools. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 12(4). Retrieved from



Focus Section