Guidelines for Authors

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If you are having any trouble submitting an article to this journal, or logging into Open Journal Systems, please reach out to Gabriel Feldstein at Below, please find author guidelines for submitting to the journal as well as information regarding the copyright and licensure information

Author Guidelines

We accept submissions of manuscripts in English and Spanish, with a maximum limit of 12,000 words (including notes and bibliography) per article using the MLA formatting style. There are no Article Processing Charges (APCs) associated with publishing in ConSecuencias.

Articles for publication sent to ConSecuencias should be original and not published or under consideration for publication anywhere else. All articles for consideration should have a 150-word abstract, in both English and Spanish. Please provide six keywords in both Spanish and English at the bottom of the abstract. Articles are reviewed anonymously, which is why the author’s name should not appear on the title page, and references to the author should be made in the third person.

All submissions will go to two experts in the field and peer-evaluated anonymously.

Articles must conform fully to style guidelines when submitted. Authors must obtain any permissions necessary to print images or other copyrighted materials.

Specific Style Guidelines

  1. For the text’s margins use 2 cm for each side.  Do not use any tab settings. Do not justify the text.
  2. Do not us headers. Use only page numbers as footers. 
  3. For the text itself use single-space throughout the article, including between paragraphs, and 12-point Times New Roman font.  However, leave an extra single space before and after any indented quotations, subtitles, or divisions between sections.
  4. For each new paragraph use a 2.5 cm. indentation.  Use the same indentation for quotations.
  5. For quoted titles use italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses, when available, in the works cited).  For emphasizing quoted words, do not use bold or underline; use italics instead.  To shorten or indicate missing text in quotes use parenthesis […].
  6. For endnotes, use short endnotes (less than 40 lines of typed text total) and use them sparingly.  Do not put extra spaces between the note number and the beginning of the note. Do not leave a space between notes.  Do not use the endnote function of Word; instead, just superscript the number and manually add the endnotes yourself, using a 10-point Times New Roman superscript font: 

    La muchacha salvaje es la primera narrativa gráfica de Mireia Pérez, y con ella ganó el primer premio de FNAC Sinsentido en 2011 por su originalidad temática […] La historietista se remonta a la prehistoria, una época perdida y arcaica de la que poco sabemos, pero lo que ofrece no es una visión fantástica de mundos imaginarios, utópicos o distópicos, sino la de un mundo muy similar al nuestro. No es un estudio fiel del pasado; no está basada en hechos científicos, sino que solo se trata de una especulación sobre cómo éramos ayer para saber cómo somos hoy, según indica la misma autora.1


    1 Pérez explica: 
    Supongo que pienso mucho en dar explicación a por qué hacemos las cosas ahora, por qué son de esa manera y no de otra […] (Caballero). 
  1. For titles, use capital letters, 14 point Times New Roman bold font, and center it:
NOTAS (or NOTES, if the article is written in English)
OBRAS CITADAS (or WORKS CITED, if the article is written in English)
  1. For sub-headings (when employed), use 12- point Times New Roman bold font. Do not add numbers to sub-headings:
El cómic y la creación femenina: un poco de historia 
  1. For the works cited, use the hanging indent function. Cite only the works directly consulted, using the latest MLA formatting style. 

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.