Engaging with China

The Higher Education Dilemma


  • Philip G. Altbach Center for International Higher Education, Boston College
  • Hans de Wit Center for International Higher Education, Boston College


China, academic relations, academic freedom, anti-Asian racism, educational diplomacy, Confucius Institutes


Academic relations with China have become a fraught and controversial topic globally. Of course, “it takes two to tango”—and if insurmountable challenges are set up and negative policies and practices are implemented (from either the Chinese side or the other side), then engagement becomes difficult, if not impossible. Nonetheless, engagement and collaboration is in everyone’s interest, in particular students and academics, who currently appear to be the main victims.

Author Biographies

Philip G. Altbach, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College

Philip G. Altbach is research professor and distinguished fellow, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, US. Email: altbach@bc.edu 

Hans de Wit, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College

Hans de Wit is distinguished fellow and professor emeritus, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, US. Email: dewitj@bc.edu.




How to Cite

Altbach, P., & de Wit, H. (2021). Engaging with China: The Higher Education Dilemma. International Higher Education, (107), 13–15. Retrieved from https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/ihe/article/view/14559




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