General Information for Authors

If you are attempting to make a submission to the journal but have any trouble, please reach out to and Additionally, please find the criterion for author submission below. If you are not logged in, it may be harder to navigate the article submission process. You can log in by clicking the icon in the top right corner of the screen. 

Author Guidelines

Articles submitted to the International Journal of African Higher Education (IJAHE) should be an original academic contribution and should not be under consideration for publication by any other journal at the same time.

For each submission, authors should prepare two separate documents: The Title Page and the Main Document. The title page indicates the title of the manuscript, author/s name and title/s (if any), the institution of affiliation, country of residence, author/s' email address/es, and the abstract of the paper. The title page should be sent to via email. The main document should not include any personal information and has to be submitted through the online journal management system.

The International Journal of African Higher Education (IJAHE) accepts manuscripts written in the English language, but published articles will include a translated French abstract.

Articles should be between 5,000 to 8,500 words, typed and double-spaced. Electronic versions should be submitted as MS Word or RTF attachments. Excessive formatting of the text is not necessary.

Each article should be submitted with an abstract of 150 to 200 words, which in a paragraph states the main research problem, brief methodological approaches, major findings, and conclusions. Articles that do not follow this format may not be accepted or their publication may be delayed.

Please submit articles on Boston College Libraries website at

Any maps, charts, or graphs must be publication-ready or submitted in formats easy to manipulate for publication. The original data used to plotting charts and graphs must also be concurrently submitted.

Please use the APA style (Author, Date) for referencing. The list of references must include every work cited in the text. Authors should follow the APA style guide for reference list format and may consult it at

Notes and References

The Journal recommends the use of endnotes, sparingly and also does not use footnotes. Place all notes at the end of the work, before the list of references.

IJAHE is published using Open Journal Systems (OJS) software which is managed by Boston College Libraries at

IJAHE is currently available only online. Authors are entitled to a complimentary PDF copy of the issue in which their articles appear for either printing or distribution.

IJAHE does not charge any fees for submitting or publishing an article.

IJAHE is a peer-reviewed, academic publication of the International Network for Higher Education in Africa ( hosted at School of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (, and published in cooperation with the Association of African Universities (, and Boston College Libraries at