Boston College Libraries host Open Access Journals as a way to promote and sponsor freely accessible scholarship around the world. Open Access Scholarship allows for ideas and research to travel beyond the network of people and institutions who can afford subscriptions to top journals, but to all interested researchers. No article-processing charges removes any financial barrier to engaging in the scholarly process of journal publication.


  • Bellarmine Law Society Review

    The Bellarmine Law Society Review is Boston College’s premier source of undergraduate scholarship relating to the law. Although the BLSR is supported and managed by Boston College students, it provides the opportunity for undergraduates across the U.S. to contribute to national legal discourse.

    The BLSR’s scope encompasses all aspects of the law, including and especially its relationship with other academic disciplines, both in the social and natural sciences. Although the Editorial Board does not prefer one genre of submission over another, the BLSR's best scholarship highlights the interdisciplinary nature of the law and the many ways in which an undergraduate education exposes important questions thereof. 

  • Colloquium: The Political Science Journal of Boston College

    Colloquium is Boston College's leading political science publication. Serving as a forum to promote academic dialogue and exchange both within and outside of the University's political science community, Colloquium expands upon the traditional offerings of a political science education. Coupled with the discipline's intensive writing and critical thinking nature, Colloquium furthers the means through which students are able to address, ponder, and critique the political issues of past and present.

  • ConSecuencias

    The editors are excited to launch a venue for rigorous research that presents original and responsible interpretations of Spanish cultural production of all periods across relevant disciplines. We encourage the use of texts (from literary and visual arts to film, architecture, and other forms of cultural production) as principal evidence. Working primarily from an intensive reading of source texts, contributions should challenge accepted ways of reading in a spirit of collegiality and professionalism.

    At the heart of this mission lies the following question: what happens when the interpretation of a text becomes normative, and is handed down from generations of professors to students without consistent interrogation? We believe that this has significant consequences. This journal is concerned with the renewal and constant development of thinking skills, the erasure of equality in difference, and the negotiability of received ideas and values.

    ConSecuencias is interdisciplinary and will embrace the potential for responsible, evidence-based ways of understanding complex literary and cultural expressions that can come from integrating the theoretical and methodological approaches of more than one field of study. To address objectively the pressing and complicated questions of literature, the articles of this journal will combine the research approaches, skills, and perspectives of such fields as visual and performing arts, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, women’s and gender studies, biology and many others. The journal will similarly embrace work that recognizes the importance of intersectionality (the way in which various political, social, and cultural identities shape experience and knowledge) and social justice. The journal will create opportunities for faculty and students to engage with researchers and concepts that will expand their realities and experiences (ways of knowing and experiencing the Spanish literary world).

    ConSecuencias welcomes new and sound dialogues in a safe space, where researchers at all stages of their career will find scientific and rigorous work that helps them move past uncritical applications of theory. We are looking for an “archaeological” approach to texts, uncovering what is not immediately visible, and paying close attention to the specificity of each case.

    The journal appears once annually online, and has support from the Boston College Institute of Liberal Arts.

  • Dianoia: The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Boston College

    Dianoia fosters open philosophical discussion and writing among undergraduate students. The journal is committed to providing the opportunity for intellectual reflection which bridges the academic disciplines in pursuit of holistic understanding.

  • Elements

    Elements, the undergraduate research journal of Boston College, showcases the varied research endeavors of fellow undergraduates to the greater academic community. By fostering intellectual curiosity and discussion, the journal strengthens and affirms the community of undergraduate students at Boston College. A biannual publication, Elements features original research completed by Boston College students in any discipline.

  • Fuse

    Fuse is Boston College's premier journal for undergraduate natural sciences. All scholarship in this journal is written, edited, and reviewed primarily by undergraduate students at Boston College with the hope of bringing undergraduate research to a larger audience.

    Fuse is intended to be a collection of articles based on original laboratory research, reviews of current literature, and perspectives on issues facing the scientific community. Primarily focusing in biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and physics, the editorial board looks to offer insight into what it is like to be an undergraduate researcher at Boston College and encourages students to reach out to the board with any questions concerning content, editorial processes, and scholarship.

  • Information Technology and Libraries

    Information Technology and Libraries publishes material related to all aspects of information technology in all types of libraries. Topic areas include, but are not limited to, library automation, digital libraries, metadata, identity management, distributed systems and networks, computer security, intellectual property rights, technical standards, geographic information systems, desktop applications, information discovery tools, web-scale library services, cloud computing, digital preservation, data curation, virtualization, search-engine optimization, emerging technologies, social networking, open data, the semantic web, mobile services and applications, usability, universal access to technology, library consortia, vendor relations, and digital humanities.

  • International Journal of African Higher Education

    International Journal of African Higher Education (IJAHE) is a doubl-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal aiming to advance knowledge, promote research, and provide a forum for policy analysis on higher education issues in the African continent.

  • Journal of Marketing Communications for Higher Education

    The Journal of Marketing Communications for Higher Education is devoted to scholarship and commentary on the use of branding and contemporary marketing and communications strategies within higher education. The objective is to advance the study of marketing and communications with current literature based on theory, research and practice.

  • Lumen et Vita

    Lumen et Vita, meaning “Light and Life,” is the graduate journal of Boston College’s Clough School of Theology and Ministry. We attempt to present the best research of our diverse student body as well as those of other graduate schools of theology and ministry, while using an online, open access format that will encourage ongoing dialogue both in the School and in the wider academic community. 

  • Medical Humanities Journal of Boston College

    At Boston College, Medical Humanities is an interdisciplinary, humanistic, and cultural study of illness, health, healthcare, and the body. The Medical Humanities Journal is a student-run interdisciplinary publication that seeks to engage the Boston College community and beyond in conversation surrounding this emergent field. As an affiliate of the Medical Humanities Minor at Boston College, this journal will facilitate multifaceted thought and collaborative work that takes place in and across the minor. We aim to include Boston College students in this ever-evolving conversation with the belief that their stimulating and rigorous work, such as original research, editorials, and other creative works, merit publication. 

  • Mystērion: The Theology Journal of Boston College

    Mystērion is Boston College’s leading source of undergraduate theological scholarship. Though managed by Boston College students, Mystērion provides the opportunity for undergraduates around the world to contribute to theological discourse.

    Mystērion's scope encompasses Biblical Studies, Historical Theology, Comparative Theology, Systematic Theology, and Theological Ethics. The journal also welcomes submissions that highlight the interdisciplinary nature of theological study and the many ways in which an undergraduate education raises important questions about God, self, and society. 

  • Oracle: The History Journal of Boston College

    Oracle is Boston College's primary venue for undergraduate historical scholarship. Founded in 2019, Oracle serves as a resource for current and prospective students of history, whether at Boston College or otherwise. By showcasing exemplary undergraduate scholarship, Oracle also seeks to guide, inspire, and celebrate the next generation of historians. 

  • Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America

    Proceedings of The Catholic Theological Society of America Annual Convention.

  • Spark: The Boston College Undergraduate Journal of Psychology

    Spark (SPRK) is Boston College's leading source of undergraduate psychology and neuroscience research, literature reviews, and essays. Spark utilizes a double-blind, peer-review process to ensure the greatest quality of publications. 

    While Spark is managed by Boston College undergraduate students, it has national outreach, serving as a resource for anyone interested in psychology topics. 

  • Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations

    Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations is the journal of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations and is published by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College.


    The Journal publishes peer-reviewed scholarship on the history, theology, and contemporary realities of Jewish-Christian relations and reviews new materials in the field. The Journal also provides a vehicle for exchange of information, cooperation, and mutual enrichment in the field of Christian-Jewish studies and relations.

    SCJR is included in the following indexes: ATLA's Full-Text Journal Index and Religion Database; the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO's Academic Search Complete (ASC), Historical Abstracts, America: History and Life, and Humanities International Index; Index to Jewish Periodicals; ProQuest Religion Database; and RAMBI (Index of Articles on Jewish Studies).

  • Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits

    Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits is a product of the Seminar on Jesuit Spirituality. This Seminar is composed of a group of Jesuits appointed from their provinces in the United States. The Seminar studies topics pertaining to the spiritual doctrine and practice of Jesuits, especially American Jesuits, and gathers current scholarly studies pertaining to the history and ministries of Jesuits throughout the world. It then disseminates the results through this journal.

    The issues treated may be common also to Jesuits of other regions, other priests, religious, and laity, to both men and women. Hence, the studies, while meant especially for American Jesuits, are not exclusively for them. Others who may find them helpful are cordially welcome to read them.

    More information is available at

  • Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice

    Boston College's five-year term hosting this journal ended in June 2013. The journal is currently hosted by Loyola Marymount University, under the title The Journal of Catholic Education.

    This open access journal represents Catholic colleges and universities, Catholic education leaders, and scholars from a variety of disciplines who are collectively committed to contributing research and encouraging good practice in Catholic elementary, secondary, and higher education by advancing the field of Catholic educational research.

    Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice is a refereed, open access, online journal that promotes and disseminates scholarship about the purposes, practices, and issues in Catholic education at all levels.

  • Fresh Ink: Essays From Boston College's First-Year Writing Seminar

    The online version of Fresh Ink has discontinued publication.

    For twelve years, Fresh Ink: Essays from Boston College's First-Year Writing Seminar-an annual compilation of twenty-five essays chosen from student submissions-was published in a print edition for use in First-Year Writing classrooms, to stimulate further writing and conversation.  Fresh Ink has also been adapted for use in print edition by other universities.  For the fall of 2010, Fresh Ink published its first online edition (Edition 13).

  • International Higher Education

    International Higher Education (IHE) publishes insightful, informed, and high-quality commentary and analysis on trends and issues of importance to higher education systems, institutions, and stakeholders around the world. Each edition also includes titles of new books and other publications of relevance to the global higher education community.

    IHE covers an extensive array of topics and is interested in all geographic regions. Our aim is to expose readers to a broad range of issues and concerns facing contemporary higher education, and to provide timely, accurate, and insighful analyses of key higher education developments across a diverse global context.

  • Integritas: Advancing the Mission of Catholic Higher Education

    Integritas is no longer accepting articles.

    The Division of University Mission and Ministry at Boston College established the journal Integritas, dedicated to exploring questions about the nature of the university in the twenty-first century.  Its specific mission was to foster conversation about the ways that faith traditions incite researchers and teachers to ask new questions about the world and the place of human beings within it.  It invited reflection on the ways that these traditions act as catalysts for inquiry in the sciences and social sciences, the professions, and the liberal arts.  It asked researchers to reflect on the ways that new developments in their fields help them to raise questions of transcendence, and offer insights into moral questions.  It offered a forum for reflection on the ways that universities today relate to religious congregations and traditions, both in their organizational structures and in their teaching and research, while at the same time operating with the freedom of inquiry that characterizes academic life today.  Finally, it addressed the neuralgic question of how universities today iterate an approach to knowledge that might be described as rooted in religious faith.

  • Lingua Frankly

    Lingua Frankly is a student-run journal of linguistics and language at Boston College.

  • The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment

    The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA) has discontinued publication.
  • The Levantine Review

    A peer-reviewed electronic journal, The Levantine Review publishes scholarship (in English, French, Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, Syriac, and Levantine vernaculars) on the history, cultures, religions, politics, and the intellectual, philological, and literary traditions of the contemporary Levant and Near East.   Authors are welcome to contact the editors prior to submitting manuscripts for consideration.
  • Romance eReview

    Romance eReview is a peer-reviewed graduate journal of literary and cultural criticism, published annually by the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures at Boston College. The journal is edited and managed by the graduate students of our Master’s program. In the first place, Romance eReview aims at creating a common venue of intellectual exchange for the Spanish, French and Italian sections of our department and providing our students with a first-hand editorial experience, both as contributors and as peer reviewers. As such, Romance eReview is a central component of our students’ training.

    We chose the online format in order to favor accessibility and to reach out to a diverse, multi-disciplinary scholarly community. Our intention is to revive and redefine the legacy of Romance Review (1989-2007), which had been, for many years, the official journal of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Boston College. Ultimately, we wish to consolidate the intellectual identity of our Graduate program and showcase our students’ best work. However, our journal will also publish papers from other graduate programs in the United States and abroad, offering the opportunity for a broader intellectual dialogue in the Romance literary tradition.